Align Your Education
with your Ambition & Personality
(Know the options for Courses, Colleges, Careers and Companies that match your ambition and personality)
Your Name*
Your Email*
Second Email (optional)
A copy of the ThynkByg Report will also be sent to this email.
A child taking the test can share their parent’s email, and a parent taking the test may share their child’s email.
Current Country of Residence*
Currently in Class/Standard*
Curriculum Board*
List your top four favorite subjects*
(in order of preference – the most favourite in Choice 1)
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
Briefly explain why these subjects appeal to you*
(in under 20 words)
150 characters remaining
Apart from school, list three preferred activities*
(e.g., reading, swimming, hiking, etc.)
Activity 1
25 characters remaining
Activity 2
25 characters remaining
Activity 3
25 characters remaining
Why do these activities appeal to you?*
(in under 20 words)
150 characters remaining
Do you prefer working alone or in teams?*
independently on my ownin small teamsin large teamsas part of very large organisations
Rate your communication skills*
Do you prefer working in spotlight or behind the scenes?*
in front facing roles where I am noticed by othersbehind the scenes where I am not noticed but my work is knownbehind the scenes where I remain anonymousboth in front and behind the scenes
What motivates you in tasks?*
(Rank these in order of your liking, the most sought first, and so on)
1st Driver
2nd Driver
3rd Driver
4th Driver
Your preferred work-life approach*
Work-life balanceWork is worshipFamily is priority
Do you prefer working indoors or outdoors?*
Which is your ideal living place?*
citysmall citytowncountryside
Would you prefer employment or owning a business?*
Which two factors from this list are most satisfying?*
Choice 1
Choice 2
Which two factors from this list disturb your peace?*
Choice 1
Choice 2
Your desired country for higher education*
Your desired country for pursuing a career.*
the Terms & Conditions and have read the Privacy Policy *
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